Friday, September 24, 2010

Great Help

Reading the examples that Ms.Williams gave us, made my head more clear on how I will project my literacy narrative. I chose to write about my experience on learning how to read a topographic map and the example that I definitely connected alot with the 3rd example; "Advanced Reading".
Like me, I hated reading topographic maps and had someone else always interpret for me, it was too difficult, I hated the wierd lines and numbers on it and I just did not understand it.
Like this example the writer states that he didnt like to read when he was young. But that his hard work payed off at the end of his High school career. I can relate because my hard work payed off at the end by climing the mountain.

The visual narrative was very interesting and helpful too. Altough all examples were not long , they were precise and gave the reader the exact information it wanted to portray. The pictures were great and what impressed me was how he mentioned the changes of the color in between the pictures. The pictures at the beginning were black and white and gave out a message of "gloominess" and that is what exaclty he wanted to do! Make this time of his life, very dark because he jsut did not like to read. That, I think was a good idea.

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